What To Discard Tuesdays - Week 18
We have a new post from Japan! Although it may not be a WWYD, it is more like a WYR (Would You Riichi?) question. We deleted the names of the players, but we can see the situation at least!
Would you Riichi? What would you be considering with this specific situation? Some notes from the player:
Sets Net MJ Tonpu
Game opening hand
Riichi? No Riichi?
Here’s what the player decided to do.
Aimed high for the Yakuman. And then this happened.
Worth the wait? Player decided to Riichi at this point. Some might argue that you need to Tsumo in order for the Su-Anko, so no Riichi. Some might also argue that a Ron win with a Riichi/San-Anko/Toi-Toi with a possible Ura Dora for a first hand is not bad at all.
Let us know in the comments what you would do!
Again, if you have any images or video regarding a specific hand that you would like to share with everyone, send it to info@riichi-mahjong-central.com