What Are My Possibilities?

Click HERE for the original article on Fukuchi Makoto's A Former Tenhou Meijini Blog.

*Translation of the original article start below*

There were several comments that came my way regarding M League.↓


Come on Fukuchi, go on it (it=MLeague)〜
Hurry and join an organization other than Renmei〜

Fukuchi, be in the league〜
Fukuchi should be in it before Masato Hagiwara (Masato Hagiwara=A Japanese actor who is known to be a strong mahjong player. He was in the previous RTD League as a non-pro player. He also recently turned pro by joining Japan Pro Mahjong League aka Renmei)〜

If Fukuchi is in it, I will watch all the matches〜


Well, if I was selected, I will sort everything out and participate, but unfortunately, it is not possible.

Even if the requirement of being part of one of the 5 existing pro organizations was no longer a requirement.

If a company selects me during the M League draft day, I would question why I was never called to any matches and mahjong shows in the past.

The only shows I was called to be a a part of, was one from Three Arrows and the Tenhou Meijinn-Sen.
The other shows on all the other channels never called me.

Compared to Jai-San (Jai=A Japanese comedian who is known to be a strong mahjong player.), my lack of exposure is very obvious.

The amount of people who know me in the Mahjong Clasuta (Mahjong Clasuta=Comes from the term "Mahjong Cluster". It means Mahjong "Group" or "Pack") are very small.

Unfortunatly, I don't think I have the capacity to be in it.

*Twitter retweet says "I wonder when Fukuchi-Sensei will start a new pro organization"*

*Twitter retweet says "I wonder when Fukuchi-Sensei will start a new pro organization"*