What To Discard Tuesdays - Week 9
Click HERE for the original questions and more quizzes on Mahjong Tutorial.
*Translations of the original quizzes start below*
*M=Manzu/Character, P=Pinzu/Circles, S=Souzu/Bamboo*
*Note that the questions are random, and you may see the same ones periodically*
*Rules: Full Hanchan. 25000 Point Start and 30000 Return. Uma is 10-30
One Red 5 in Manzu, Pinzu and Souzu respectively.
Any other rule that needs to be considered will be mentioned in the quizzes*
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
8 or 9S is the correct answer. Discarding the 8 and 9 S will be the closest step to making a Riyan-Men, so that is the best choice.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
3P is the correct answer. You would want to discard the 3P or 7P. Since there is a possible 567 San-Shoku, discarding the 3P is the correct choice.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: 3S
8 or 9P is the correct answer. Since there are 6 blocks, you would want to discard a Pen-Chan or Kan-Chan. So discarding the 8 and 9P and aiming for Tan-Yao at the same time is the best choice.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: 1S
1P is the correct answer. The best way to have a wide wait is to have 3 continuous shapes + good shape Toi-Tsu like here. Discarding 1P is the best selection.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
1S is the correct answer. Discarding the 1S is the correct choice because you can also have Tan-Yao in mind.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
2M is the correct answer. Think of this as 1223M → 123M + 2M. If you compare the individual tiles 2M 3P 7P, 2M will be the correct choice.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
8S is the correct answer. This is a Tobi-Toitsu problem. The best way to keep the 22466 shape is to discard 8S.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
3 or 6M is the correct answer. Although you may want to keep the 3456M shape, the maximum amount of points you can get is not that high, so discarding the 3 or 6M and maintaining the Ii-Shan-Ten is the best choice.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: 3S
4S is the correct answer. This question is about solidifying your Jan-Tou/Pair. In this case, the Dora is 3S, so you would want to keep the 3S 6S shape Riyan-Men.
East 1, 0 Honba, 4th Turn, Seat Wind: West, Dora: Haku
1M is the correct answer. Although discarding 3S will also have a wide wait, your final winning shape will more likely become a Riyan-Men wait by discarding 1M, so that will be the correct choice.