A Tenhoui from Pro Renmei!
Click HERE for the original article on Fukuchi Makoto's A Former Tenhou Meijini Blog.
*Translation of the original article start below*
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I delayed my announcement due to my colleagues competing hard in one of Renmei's title matches and league finals (JMPL WRC League).
Congratulations to Fujishima Pro!
And this one is about myself, but I was able to become the 13th Tenhoui.
I will continue to improve myself, so please cheer me on!🐮
4:20 - September 9th 2018
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"13th Tenhoui for 4 Player matches, gousi-san is born!" Tenhou Blog...
6:00 - September 9th 2018
The first time a Mahjong Pro became a Tenhoui.
And from the Pro Renmei, so that was surprising!
That's pretty good!
This kinda person↓
第168回:プロ雀士インタビュー 齋藤 豪 (Links to a JPML Blog in Japanese)
Looks similar to a Haniwa(;^ω^)
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This is more like a medal of honor rather than a disgrace for their rep.
I'm thinking like (I guess Renmei Pros also play online in secret. If someone from there can get the Tenhoui rank, Renmei must be strong. I can't say anything.) that. Because of one player, the impression of Renmei has gone up dramatically. This is pretty big news. Not only you are able to scout Tenhoui's, but grow them within the organization.
4:54 - September 9th 2018
To be honest, the impression of Renmei has gone up for myself as well.
That they have so much talent.
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So this means
(Uzaku-book? ...We're a Pro organization that has young players that can become a Tenhoui. We won't be stealing concepts from reading a book from an amateur, because we are levels above that, so don't make us laugh. Fukuchi-Kun is also 10-Dan right? Why don't you step up your game too)
and such can be said from them.
This is pretty big stuff w
5:01 - September 9th 2018