Amount of Uke-Ire Tiles for Ko-Ritsu-Hai (The Basics pt05)
Check Mahjong No Jan-Ryu for the original article.
*Translation of the original article start below*
"Depending on the tiles, the amount of Uke-Ire (effective draw) tiles will vary"
Tiles that are relavent to what you have have are called "Uke-Ire" (effective draws) or "Kuttsuki" (connecting) , but depending on the "Ko-Ritsu-Hai" (Isolated Tiles), the amount of Uke-Ire (Kuttsuki) tiles will vary.
In case of 3, and you draw a 2 or 4, we express this as "The tiles come next to it". If you have Ton/East and you draw another Ton/East, we express this as "The tiles comes on top of it". As you can see below, and you consider the Uke-Ire, it is obvious that the tiles are easier to connect next to a tile rather than on top.
Keep in mind that there is a big difference between "1" and "2".
"3~7 tiles will have much wider Uke-Ire"
And when it comes to "3" "4" "5" "6" and "7", the Uke-Ire tiles becomes even more significant.
Let's try and understand the amount of Uke-Ire tiles differences in these cases. If you put more value in the "3~7" Ko-Ritsu-Hai's, you will become one step closer to winning.
Let's remember that the Uke-Ire Tile amounts order of priority is【 ①3~7 > ②2 or 8 > ③1 or 9> ④Ji-Hai 】