Double Kan-Chan > Single Kan-Chan (The Basics pt04)
Check Mahjong No Jan-Ryu for the original article.
*Translation of the original article start below*
"There are 2 types of Kan-Chan waits"
Many people know that "Kan-Chan has more advantage than a Pen-Chan", but not too many beginners know that there are "2 types of Kan-Chan waits".
On this site, we named a situation where either one of the Kan-Chan tiles can become a Riyan-Men wait as "Double Kan-Chan". We named a Kan-Chan shape that can become a Riyan-Men on one side only is called "Single Kan-Chan". Obviously, "Double Kan-Chan" is more effective.
"Are both tiles 3~7?"
If both of your Kan-Chan tiles are made from 3~7, they will become one of the three Double Kan-Chan shapes as seen in the image below.
There are 4 patterns for a Single Kan-Chan. You can also say that if the tiles consist of 1, 2,8 or 9 that it will become a Single Kan-Chan.
Shapes made out of 2 tiles such as Riyan-Men, Kan-Chan and Pen-Chan are called Taa-Tsu, and a tile that is oded out by itself is called "Ko-Ritsu-Hai" (Direct translation is Lone Tile). Next time, we will be focusing on Ko-Ritsu-Hai.